Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

WOI&L has excellent service and a quality product. I have used their services of lawn care and snow removal for my business. I have also had them install a sprinkler system at my house. They are always professional and courteous. I highly recommend WOI&L.

Jacki A Co-Owner Harvest Homes

West Omaha Irrigation and Lawns (WOIL) has been handling the lawn care, landscaping, sprinkler repair, and snow removal at our branches for the past eleven years. During this time our lawn and landscaping has gone from average at best to one of the nicest in the area and I receive many compliments from clients. Snow…

Todd K Vice President Enterprise Bank

20 years ago, we had Chris Briley install our sprinkler system, a great decision on our part!!! Whenever we needed service of any kind, Chris and his crew were here for us. Chris is knowledgeable, dependable and courteous. I would highly recommend West Omaha Irrigation and Lawns for their high quality of work and service.…

Pete C teacher